The Chaotic Life of Nada Kadić (Writer/Director Marta Hernaiz Pidal) has won the Jury Prize at the @Festival International de Films de Femmes, one of the oldest and most important festivals for women filmmakers!
Here were the comments from the jury:
« Comme des chasseurs d’éclairs, on attend un moment où l’on peut se retrouver à contempler le spectacle que peut nous donner à voir une tornade, à se passionner pour des objets pris à l’intérieur, se dire qu’on ne les avait jamais vus comme ce...
" like lightning hunters, we're waiting for a moment where we can find ourselves to contemplate the show that can give us to see a tornado, to is for objects taken inside, to say that we've never seen them Like this before. This is what we offer the chaotic life of nada kadic, by a whole singular look... " - Fiction Jury
Congratulations Marta and the team!