The Chaotic Life of Nada Kadić wins the Jury Prize at the Festival International de Films de Femmes

The Chaotic Life of Nada Kadić (Writer/Director Marta Hernaiz Pidal) has won the Jury Prize at the @Festival International de Films de Femmes, one of the oldest and most important festivals for women filmmakers!

Here were the comments from the jury:

« Comme des chasseurs d’éclairs, on attend un moment où l’on peut se retrouver à contempler le spectacle que peut nous donner à voir une tornade, à se passionner pour des objets pris à l’intérieur, se dire qu’on ne les avait jamais vus comme ce...

" like lightning hunters, we're waiting for a moment where we can find ourselves to contemplate the show that can give us to see a tornado, to is for objects taken inside, to say that we've never seen them Like this before. This is what we offer the chaotic life of nada kadic, by a whole singular look... " - Fiction Jury

Congratulations Marta and the team!

Berlinale Premieres for films by Marta Hernaiz Pidal and Andre Gil Mata

Congratulations to our Bistrik7 colleagues Marta Hernaiz Pidal and André Gil Mata ! Both are premiering feature films at Berlinale this year, along with our teacher Guy Maddin. Viva la família de Sarajevo and Bistrik7! 
Here is the Press Release from The Berlinale:…/pres…/alle/Alle-Detail_41108.html